Stuart McGill's Low Back Disorders (2016)
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The Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management Collaboration (OPTIMa) published in the European Journal of Pain (2016) recommended that treatment start with educating yourself on lower back pain. If you are experiencing back pain on a regular basis, you should try exercising, manual therapy (spinal manipulation and mobilization), rehabilitation (physical and psychological), medication and acupuncture.. If you begin to experience more intense pain, you should consider a chiropractic consultation. Individuals with leg pain can also benefit from chiropractic care.
Low Back Disorders, Third Edition With Web Resource, contains essential research and corresponding clinical applications in a clear and organized format. Part I introduces the functional anatomy and biomechanics of the lumbar spine. It also presents epidemiological studies on low back disorders and dispels common myths of lumbar spine stability. Part II reviews risk factors for low back disorders and common prevention methods, with specific attention paid to reducing workplace risk factors. Part III explains evaluating and diagnosing clients and developing exercise and rehabilitation programs. Specific exercises that are proven to enhance performance and reduce pain are also explained.
While there are many causes of back disorders, the scientific literature evidence is strongest for several possible mechanical causes. Once the patient has experienced pain, and the nerve system is sensitized, how the person reacts to the pain is modulated by a host of variables that can increase or decrease the pain sensitivity.
Asymmetries of both strength and movement (particularly in the hips) have been shown to be associated with, and predictive of, back disorders. Imbalance in torso muscle endurance around the torso has also been shown to be predictive of future back disorders. Thus, correction of these asymmetries with corrective and therapeutic exercise should be the first stage of any rehabilitation program. 781b155fdc