Maksudul Momin Pdf Book 18
`Maksudul Momin: A Comprehensive Guide to Islamic Beliefs and Practices`
`Maksudul Momin is a popular Bangla book that covers various aspects of Islamic faith and conduct. It is written by Maulana Shamsul Haque, a renowned scholar and preacher of Islam. The book consists of seven volumes, each containing different topics such as Quran, Hadith, Seerah, Fiqh, Aqeedah, Tasawwuf, and Dawah. The book is based on authentic sources and provides clear explanations and practical examples for the readers.`
`In this article, we will review the 18th volume of Maksudul Momin, which deals with the issues of death, afterlife, and paradise and hell. This volume is a valuable resource for Muslims who want to learn about the reality of the hereafter and prepare themselves for it. The book covers topics such as:`
`The signs of death and how to face it with patience and faith.`
`The rights of the deceased and the etiquette of burial and funeral.`
`The stages of the grave and the questions of the angels.`
`The resurrection and the gathering on the Day of Judgment.`
`The scales of deeds and the records of actions.`
`The bridge over hell and the intercession of the Prophet (peace be upon him).`
`The description of paradise and hell and their inhabitants.`
`The rewards and punishments for different types of people.`
`The book also contains many supplications, invocations, and reminders that can help the readers to increase their awareness of Allah and seek His forgiveness and mercy. The book is written in a simple and engaging style that appeals to both young and old readers. It is also enriched with references from the Quran and Hadith, as well as stories from the lives of the prophets, companions, and righteous people.`
`Maksudul Momin is a must-read book for every Muslim who wants to strengthen their faith and improve their character. It is available in PDF format online for free download from various websites. You can also buy the hardcover edition from, a leading online bookstore in Bangladesh.`
`The Signs of Death and How to Face It with Patience and Faith`
`Death is an inevitable reality that every living being will face sooner or later. Allah says in the Quran: \"Every soul will taste death. And We test you with evil and with good as trial; and to Us you will be returned.\" (21:35)`
`As Muslims, we should always remember that death is not the end of our existence, but rather a transition to a new and everlasting life. We should also believe that whatever happens to us in this world is by the decree of Allah and for our own benefit. Allah says: \"And it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.\" (2:216)`
`Therefore, when we are faced with the signs of death, such as illness, old age, or accidents, we should not despair or complain, but rather accept it with patience and faith. We should also seek Allah's forgiveness and mercy, and prepare ourselves for meeting Him. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: \"None of you should wish for death because of a calamity befalling him; but if he has to wish for death, he should say: 'O Allah! Keep me alive as long as life is better for me, and let me die if death is better for me.'\" (Bukhari)`
`The Rights of the Deceased and the Etiquette of Burial and Funeral`
`When a Muslim dies, he or she has certain rights that should be fulfilled by the living. These rights include:`
`The right to be washed, shrouded, prayed over, and buried according to the Islamic teachings.`
`The right to be treated with respect and dignity, and not to be mutilated, embalmed, cremated, or delayed in burial.`
`The right to have his or her debts paid off and will executed by the heirs or guardians.`
`The right to have his or her relatives and friends supplicate for him or her and seek Allah's forgiveness and mercy.`
`The etiquette of burial and funeral include:`
`The etiquette of washing the body, which involves covering the private parts, using clean water and soap, starting from the right side and the upper parts, and avoiding any unnecessary talk or movement.`
`The etiquette of shrouding the body, which involves using white cotton cloth, preferably three pieces for men and five pieces for women, covering the whole body from head to toe, and tying the ends of the shroud.`
`The etiquette of praying over the body, which involves placing the body in front of the imam or leader of the prayer, facing the qiblah or direction of Makkah, making four takbirs or declarations of Allah's greatness, reciting surah al-Fatihah after the first takbir, sending blessings on the Prophet (peace be upon him) after the second takbir, supplicating for the deceased after the third takbir, and saying salaam or peace after the fourth takbir.`
`The etiquette of burying the body, which involves carrying the body gently and swiftly to the graveyard, placing it in the grave on its right side facing the qiblah, filling the grave with soil without stepping on it or raising it above the ground level, marking it with a simple sign without building any structure over it, and supplicating for the deceased after leaving the grave.`
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