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Commercial YouTube Poops No one needs foundation repair, possibly his most famous one: \"When you need foundation repair, you want foundation repair. And you'd like to save a lot of money, right And you'd like to suck a lot of cock, right Then you should call HoH SiS.\" \"You want the JoJ.\" \"If I had to do it all over again, and had to take bids all over again, I would still do it all over again.\" \"And even though there's only a tiny cock, they'll fuck you, as long as your cock is standing. 100% guaranteed cum in your ass.\" The ending, with the Hotel Mario cutscenes:(Mario hammers a \"condemned\" sign onto a building)Mario: That oughta do it!(castle crumbles to the ground)Mario: Shit, Luigi! We gotta do it all over again! Want to do it all over again Well, this is the Stupid Statement Dance Mix version.
WHY NOT TAKE A SIMPLE STEP \"Why not take a simple step W-w-weatherize your home with caulk; it's the faAaAaAast way to get big bang out of your caulk.\" \"Not all caulk is 100% silicone: it stands up to mother.\" \"It's cleanup time: SILICONE SILICONE SILICONE SILICONE.\" \"Whores They leak too.\" \"Now you're ready to enjoy cracks, gaps, and leaks; use your finger or caulk smoothing tool.\" \"Pierce the inner seal with a stiff caulk.\" \"The Addison Bath Collection. The Ass Bath Collection.\" \"Aged pewter, and even black.\" \"They make your experience eight inches in diameter, invigorating you by blanketing your body in semen.\" \"Use 100% silicone.\"
Billy Mays Is Watching Your Mom In The Shower Billy Mays: (smashes TV that was airing iCarly) iCarly sucks! \"If you got a smelly asshole, then you need Soap. Use Soap to clean the stains from out of your dirty asshole. You stupid dumbass!\" \"I'm going to run over a child with this six thousand pound car!\" *drives closer* \"BRACE FOR IMPACT!\" *runs over child* \"That's the power of this six thousand pound car!\" \"Hi, Billy Mays here for Hercules!'\" \"You can put cheese up my ass with the flick of a switch!\" This line led to a corpsing moment from RadicalFaith360, who likes to re-enact poops (especially those from cs188). \"As a special bonus, we'll also include rock hard cock! It even cums and penetrates you wherever you are!\" \"Let me show you how to take care of Woody Woodpecker!\" \"Billy Mays is watching your Mom in the shower, right now! Watch this!\"
TUB BUDDY WITH TILT \"The tilt option allows the pressure to relieve the built-up patient of a caregiver\" (heavy metal shaking) \"The patient's dead.\" (RIP) \"Lousy caregiver.\" \"..by allowing the patient to slide over the tub, without having to manually slide over the tub, without the tub, without having to do it all over again.\" \"Without having to manually lift the house. Uh, shit.\" \"Dignity, ease, disease, LEGO\"
\"Billy Mays' Career In Television Hits a Record Low\" \"Are you fed up with trying to find a Lightroom in a dark room Are you tired of slicing onions with your powerful dropping erection\" \"Billy Mays here for Mighty Drills, the easy way to rebuild the damaged tool to work like new!\" [trowel breaks] \"Fucking handle!\" \"What if you had the power to spray diarrhea all over your car's windshield at over 100 miles an hour Introducing the Shit Bazooka! Inside is hundreds of fecal matter!\" \"I love Metalocalypse, don't you\" (It's Cocaine!) \"Look at this! Watch as Billy Mays snorts a year's supply of white powder in just two minutes! You'll be amazed at just how much powder I use every week!\" (Inb4 \"WTF, that's not funni!\") \"Use it just once and it's more than just once!\" (BaileyMaysSnortsPowder.wmv) \"And here's the best part: we'll send you a 32 ounce bottle of Billy Mays' Sex Liquids free whenever you need them, plus three extra large wank towels every week to clean the mess out of your mattress!\" \"They're not only soft, but tough enough to get the JoJ.\" \"Order my shit right now or we'll cut your cock in half!\" \"What do you do when you wanna watch your favorite YTP re-enactments Check out radicalfaith360!\"
Billyception The Recursive Reality gag at the open. \"Cut cucumbers, zucchini, even zucchinicumbers for a gourmet pizza perfect for anypony\" \"It cuts peppers like a masturbating chef!\" \"...for potato salad, potatoes are rotten, or slice 'ease' with cheese.\" \"I know what you're thinking! You want a giant orgy with mark3611 in a steaming shower in the middle of the day. Like magic! And look, your mom's grabbing your small penis right now!\" \"Under the bed or under the sink, the secret's the suction action. And right down to the very end, there's no wasted food.\" (lolwut) \"And here's the best part: Unlike regular drivers, Billy Mays can safely drive with no hands!\"Billy Mays: Hi, it's Billy. Jupiter Jack!Billy: Hi, it's Billy. What are you doing in my car Billy Mays: No, it's my car! Jupiter Jack!Billy: No, it's my car, I guarantee it! Billy Mays: No, not anymore. Jupiter Jack!Billy: Go fuck yourself with the Hercules Hook! Billy Mays: No problem. Jupiter Jack!Billy: I'm gonna take an incredible shit in your kitchen, right on your stove! Billy Mays: Be there in two minutes. See ya! \"Billy Mays here for the Handy Jack-it Switch!\" (cue \"Filthy/Gorgeous\") \"Now you can Jack with just one finger, in one easy motion, without any effort!\" (This video as been removed as a violation of YouTube's policy on nudity or sexual content) \"Oh for fucks sake, YouTube!\"
Empire Carpet Sells Prostitutes and Toasters \"Don't you love some of these other cunts\" \"Butt carpeting. Butt carpeting.\" \"Don't you love PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE\" \"Don't you love sex with one hand\" \"Butt carpeting. Which is why my butt itches; from butt carpeting.\"
He's got the house completely covered; the first part of it is mediocre and nothing special, but then his praise of HoH SiS switches to a rape testimony. \"If I had to do it all over again, I'd still go with deeldohs in my backside.\" Plus the Stupid Statement Dance Mix
Anthony Sullivan Wipes His Bum on Your Carpet \"Big news from OxiClean: OxiClean is shit!\" [color bars] \"Introducing new OxiClean Juicy Juice!\" [color bars] \"Introducing new OxiTurd laundry detergent! It's supercharged with Street Fighter III!\" \"Today... in this very mall...\" (This Very Mall - Salt Lake City, UT) \"...ass stains on the sofa!\" \"UhHhH-oHhHh, it's muddy too.\" *bloody skull on the carpet* \"Oh, wow...\" \"We came here to let people suck our 30 inch weiner.\" \"It's amazing; it's like, coming up right away!\" [zoom in on crotch, a hand with a microphone rises from the bottom] \"We came here to let people puke on the carpet.\" \"Nice job. You're no-\" (host glitches out) \"No, not at all.\" () \"DrugDoctor set out to engineer a powerful sperm cleaner with the strongest-\" (glitches). \"Got it up so quickly, the carpet looks GREY.\" \"Taters were going back and forth on the carpet, and you can get all the way to the corn.\" \"It looks perfect. It looks brand new again.\" \"I really like that vibrating brush. I can be done in minutes...\" *Over a picture of a gurney* \"Has wheels, rolls around with me.\" \"And you can get all the way to the coroner.\" \"Big noose from OxiClean!\" [color bars] \"Introducing, laundry detergent.\" [shing!] \"New OxiClean Jew Detergent!\" \"Anthony Sullivan is a big cunt stinking up the laundry aisle! \"Introducing shaking up the laundry detergent!\" *all of the bottles on the shelf start shaking and they all fall off* \"OH SHIT!\" \"Rug Doctor cleaned everything! EvEn WhAt ThEy DiDn'T!\"
Scratch Me Down There, Doctor \"Nice car.\" (pops out eyes back and forth) \"No-o-o-o-ot so nice car.\" (frowns as car in background gets distorted) \"Wouldn't it be nice if scratching up your car was this easy\" \"Now with new Crotch Doctor, removing semen marks is eas-aziz-aziz-aziz-y!\" \"Crotch Doctor, with advanced Scratch My Balls technology also removes Taint Scrapes, Stuffs, Grapes, EAR RAPES.\" (sorry) \"Crap Doctor scratches your nice car. In fact, independent laboratory tests have proven Scratch Doctor sucks.\" \"So get Crotch Doctor, and keep your cock looking greaAaAaAt! Wouldn't it be nice if moving your penis was this easy\" \"Also, wouldn't it suck if your car was this fucking ugly Shit. That's my car. That's not nice. Fuck you.\" \"Suck my fucking ugly cock!\" \"Nice aaaaassssssssss!\"
Too Much Fiddling with the Coffee, a poop of old coffee commercials. \"Yes, Mr. Jones, it's a new kind of coffee. Roasted by a new KIND OF process. Hence this new KIND OF coffee has a different KIND OF flavor. A KIND OF flavor preserved by vacuuming the flavor after the jar has been opened.\" \"In every jar, you'll find coffee. Just fucking taste it. You can't taste it, a flavor that sucks balls.\" \"A flavor preserved by 'Coughing into the Coffee'.\" [cue Tourettes Guy coughing into the jar] \"In every jar, you'll kind of taste no flavor.\" (\"The Taste is Gone!\") \"The way to a man's heart is most of all through the hard cock.\" \"Use half the jar. If not 100% satisfied, use 100% of the damn jar. Just waste it! If not 100% unsatisfied, use the JoJ.\" \"Harvey, want anything special for your birthday\" \"Just the D.\" \"UNDRINKABLE!\" \"You know if I could just relax, I could relax.\" \"So relax. Why don't you try Instant Relax Tastes good as Folgers!\" (\"Yes, it's a new kind of pot.\") [heavily distorted] \"Heeeeeeey, grrrrrrreat coffeeeeeeee!\" \"This cup of coffee smells like my ass, and tastes and tastes and tastes as good as a broom!\" \"The coffee that's harder, better, faster, stronger.\" \"The house smells every time you take a shit. Ahh, smell it.\" \"Smell it.\" \"You like to look at tight buttsex because it's XXX-well House. Taste Maxwell's strong cock every time!\" \"Try new instant Folgers. Tastes good as fresh jizz.\" \"That explains why the coffee is so good!\" \"Oh, OwO, this coffee is a new kind of coffee!\" \"Your coffee really is coffee!\" \"Try old coffee. Mountain grown for fountain flavor.\" \"Yes, Mr. Jones, it's a nuke.\" \"Yes, Mr. Jones, get roasted by cs188.\" \"Night of the Living JOJ\", the 2021 Halloween special. Being a bit more skit driven, we get some revelations from CS himself:CS: I'm just gl